In an economy speeding down the highway of recession, it should be unthinkable to read newspaper headlines like: Amid recession, Reps take delivery of N3.6bn exotic cars and Law-making is no longer profitable business under Buhari. The latter article should be hilarious because unnamed law-makers apparently admitted to being in the hallowed chambers only for personal enrichment – but ordinary Nigerians are suffering and dying daily from bad governance, so we will not laugh.
We should be outraged, but we are used to it. We have been here too many times before; the populace in severe hardship and the leaders living large. Under military and under civilian rule. Under different permutations of letters masquerading as political parties. This is business as usual. And we will continue to be here for generations, unless we change a critical aspect of our national existence – make elected office as unattractive and unlucrative as possible, so that we can skim false leaders off the top of the bubbling mass of aspirants and end up with true leadership. This is what the Bribecode seeks to achieve, in tackling Grand corruption. If the God-fathers and the speculators who bankroll elections realise that for this business, the ROI is zero, they won’t burden us with incompetent lackeys through whom they siphon our commonwealth in sham contracts. Then maybe we will have a chance, a real one, at development. Read how this will happen here: http://bribecode.org/the-bribecode-at-a-glance/
Nigeria needs you and I to admit her into intensive care for lifesaving interventions. Do your part – sign the Bribecode, now, and share it in your circles.
[…] serious corruption with corporate liquidations and total assets forfeiture for individuals. In post after post after post, in speech after speech, I have campaigned for the Bribecode over the last […]